About Sexy Delicious Healthy: The Therapeutic Cookbook


It all started when…

we started asking ourselves some important questions:

How liberating would it be to enjoy the foods you crave, take comfort in eating, and still love yourself? What would it be like to have your reflection in the mirror smile back at you? How could your life open up if you were freed from the judgements we place around food? What if a whole group of women were there alongside you, to remind you of your power, encourage your abilities, and support your journey?

That’s how Sexy Delicious Healthy was born.

For decades, American women have been disillusioned into a diet-obsessed lifestyle with no exits in sight. As a result, we’re trapped in an abusive relationship… with food, and our bodies and state of mind are paying the price. This manifests itself in all kinds of food behaviors, from overeating to food deprivation. This mismanaged obsession with weight not only destroys our confidence and inner strength, it poses major health risks. The National Institute of Mental Health reports eating disorders to be lethal and anorexia nervosa as the most fatal mental disorder of all.

Our therapeutic cookbook (Coming Soon!) is a result of the collective efforts of educators, psychologists, and artists across the United States. It combines over fifty seasonal, sexy, whole food recipes by real women, along with their own tangled love stories with food. Read like a diary and marked by vulnerability, this book gives generously like a pillar of support and reminds us how to love ourselves with food.

Women are suffering and the leaders of Sexy Delicious Healthy have had enough. Sexy Delicious Healthy gives pause for reflection and self-love, and inspires the lasting change we so desperately crave, and shows us that it already lies within ourselves.

It ain't yo’ mama’s cookbook. We don't encourage rigid dieting or competition. Instead, we urge you to ditch the restrictive diets, band together with your sisters, and resist the powers that tell us that we are not enough. You are enough. You have everything you need to be your sexiest self -- and we’re going to show you how.

In the introduction of our therapeutic cookbook, we delve deeper into the importance of exploring our food behaviors through the lens of relationships, and the reason for our emphasis on nourishing and nurturing our mind and body -- the way we would our own baby. We offer strategies for self exploration to achieve food freedom.

Allow yourself to be reminded that you are not alone in this journey with food. Read a story. Choose a recipe. Fall in love all over again, the healthy way. You deserve it.